Sixth Meeting of National Technology Council (NTC) was held on 27 October 2020. The following decisions were taken:-
Changes in NTC Byelaws proposed for Commission’s approval for better administrative working of NTC:
Clause 4__ Inclusion of one Member from Associations of Technologists with a provision that if Associations fail to jointly nominate one person and nominate two or more persons, then Controlling Authority will appoint one Member out of them.
Clause 6 ‘c’__ In the case of vacancy occurring in the office of the Chairperson, instead of Member of Commission to be nominated by Chairman HEC to look after the duties, the Vice-Chairperson NTC, or in his absence, HOD of QAA-HEC may look after the duties of the Chairperson.
Clause 7 ‘c’___ The quorum requirement for Council Meetings of 50%.
The Clause 17 be replaced by missing clause of ‘Powers of NTC’.
Council approved filling of all the empty posts as per necessity subject to funds availability and approved separate Selection Committees and Approving Authorities for various grades. Preference shall be given to applicant engineering technologists provided they fulfill the requirement of ‘right man for the right job’.
The Council considered the Framework Meeting Report and appointed sub-Committee for review, in consultation with original Members of Framework Meeting and keeping the requirements of Undergraduate Education Policy 2020 issued by HEC.
It was decided that Technology Accreditation Board (TAB) cannot have functions of both Accreditation and Appellate Authority. TAB should be replaced by two Committees.
The Council appointed Committee to review the proposal regarding licensing for Professional Engineering Technologist.
Payment to Members of Accreditation Inspection Committees for accreditation visits @ Rs. 10,000/- per visit to Convener, and Rs.10,000/- to each subject specialist, with TA/DA as per Govt. /HEC rules.
Monthly payment to Consultant @ Rs.100,000/- w.e.f. 01-07-2020.
The permission to HEIs to have the option to reduce Supervised Industrial Training in ongoing permitted technology programs to one semester i.e. in 8th semester only.
In the light of Clause 3 and 5 of NTC Byelaws, the proposed recommendations for terms and conditions of employment of 4-years term of Chairman NTC were finalized for submission to Controlling Authority for approval.