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What is Accreditation?

Accreditation is a type of quality assurance process to ensure that the Higher Education Institutions (HEI’s) offer high quality Technology Education programs. In this context, services, operations and resources of an Educational Institution or Program/Curriculum are examined and evaluated by an external body to determine their compliance with a set of standards, practices and updated in keeping with dynamic needs of the industry.

Why Accreditation is important?

Accreditation ensures that quality technology education programs comparable to international standards are run in all universities of the country. The Accreditation process gives the Institute an opportunity to conduct in-depth analysis of its strengths and weaknesses in its internal and external environments and protects and promotes the interest of all stakeholders.

What is Accreditation Process?

The accreditation process is designed to be consistent with Out-Come Based Education System (OBE). Accreditation is awarded to HEI after successful compliance with the current Standards of Technology Education degree programs comparable with International Standards. Compliance is determined by evaluation of written documents provided against prescribed forms and by on-site inspection. On-site inspections are carried out based on OBA System by Accreditation Inspection Committees (AIC)s comprising of experts who are qualified, well trained and experienced in the relevant fields. AIC review curriculum of the full program, assess quality of faculty, Laboratories, Financial Strength, infrastructure and other resources.

What are the Benefits of Accreditation to the stakeholders?

Through Accreditation NTC ensure highest degree of credibility, in assurance of Quality Technology Education and Relevance of Professional Education & Training to all Stake-holders such as Academicians, Business Houses, Educational Institutions, Government, Industry, Regulators, Students and their Parents.

What are the main Considerations while Accrediting Technology Programs?

Accreditation will be carried under the umbrella of HEC and via the NTC; considering the following aspects for accreditation of degree programs in the technology related subjects:

  1. Overall Scope and Structure of the Program based on Outcome Based Education (OBE) system
  2. Curricula/syllabi in line with HEC guidelines and Level of compatibility with International Standards and Trends
  3. Requisite Infrastructure
  4. Faculty
  5. Laboratory Facilities
  6. Level of Skill Development by the Program
  7. Level of Integration of Science and Technology
  8. Student Support
  9. Facilities for student activities and other amenities
  10. Financial Aid/Assistance
  11. Level of job placement of Technology Graduates

How to Get Accredited?

Generally, the steps involved in the accreditation process are as follows:

  1. The educational institution will make an application for accreditation by submitting the relevant information using the Accreditation Information Form. If a new program is to be started or already accredited program is to be re-accredited, the application will be submitted at least 6 months before start of a new program or expiry of the already accredited program
  2. NTC will form Accreditation Inspection Committee (A I C) to evaluate the submitted information. The Committee will be headed by a Team Leader, and the number of members on the Accreditation Committee will depend on the program to be accredited. NTC will adopt the following guidelines in determining the composition of the (A I C).
    1. An academic (or formerly an academic) member, preferably trained in line with Sydney Accord requirements, shall be included in the Team
    2. Competent professional representatives of HEC, NTC, Academia and Industry may constitute Accreditation Inspection Committee (AIC)
    3. The AIC Leader should not be a current academic in an educational institution in the region of the country where Accreditation will be in process
  3. The (AIC) may, after evaluating the submitted information, request for additional information, where necessary
  4. If the information provided is sufficient, the (AIC) Leader will request the Secretary of the NTC/Program Coordinator to liaise with the Educational Institution to develop a schedule or program for an on-site visit and subsequent Evaluation
  5. If observers are to be included in the on-site visit, the Secretary of the NTC/ Program Coordinator will seek prior written consent from the Educational Institution, as its expenses will be separately charged to the Institution
  6. The AIC will carry out the on-site visit, which could take between one to two days
  7. The AIC will meet, prepare and submit its summary report to NTC within 4 days after the on-site visit; and formal report within 4 weeks after the visit
  8. On the basis of the report by the AIC and its recommendations, a decision on accreditation will be made by NTC. Accordingly the Higher Educational Institution (HEI) will be informed of the decision by NTC
  9. An appeal ,if deemed necessary, against the decision of NTC will have to be submitted in writing within 30 days

What is the accreditation policy?

The corner stone of Accreditation policy is based on Outcome Based Education (OBE) system to be followed by Higher Education Institutes. i.e.

No OBE = No Accreditation

Accreditation Criteria

Accreditation assessment involves evaluation of a program as per following criteria:

Criterion 1 - Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

Criterion 2 - Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

Criterion 3 - Curriculum and Learning Process

Criterion 4 - Students

Criterion 5 - Faculty and Support Staff

Criterion 6 - Facilities and Infrastructure

Criterion 7 - Institutional Support and Financial Resources

Criterion 8 - Continuous Quality Improvement

Criterion 9 - Industrial Linkages

Accreditation Fee

Start of new program / Zero Visit: Rs. 400,000/-

Interim/Accreditation visit: Rs. 300,000/-

Change of scope/Confirmatory visit: Rs. 250,000/-

Appeal: Rs. 200,000/-

To download Accreditation forms Click Here