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Meeting of National Curriculum Revision Committee (NCRC)

18-20 May 2016 HEC, Islamabad
Meeting of NCRC

The meeting of National Curriculum Revision Committee (NCRC) to formulate the latest curricula for Bachelor of Technology in Civil, Electrical, Electronic and Mechanical was held on 18th through 20th May, 2016 at HEC Islamabad. The meeting was organized and coordinated by Ms Ghayur Fatima, Director (Curriculum) HEC with an objective to review and revise the courses of B.Tech (Civil, Electrical , Mechanical & Electronics Engineering), devised earlier in the year 2010. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Kamran UET Lahore, KSK Campus was convener of the meeting along Mr. Muhammad Munir Akhtar secretary of the meeting and Vice president of PTC Lahore. Participants from different Universities, Technical Colleges and concerned Stakeholders from all Provinces of Pakistan participated to develop the curriculum consistent with dynamic needs of the industries and international spectrum.

Mr. Muhammad Raza Chohan, Director General (Academics) HEC, welcomed the participants and in his opening remarks emphasized the need to develop curricula comparable to international standards keeping in view the needs of the employment market with a proper balance of Theory & Practical. This in- turn may generate competent technologists to confront ever changing industrial needs and latest technological developments of the global village.

Mr. Raza also opined that CPEC may provide ample job opportunities for the technologists, and pose new technological challenges in the field of emerging technologies. As such curriculum revision must incorporate latest interdisciplinary subject knowledge to cater for such needs. Afterward he shared the good news of establishment of National Technology Council (NTC) and requested Maj. General (Retd) Akber Saeed Awan, Chairperson NTC to chair the meeting and address the participants.

While addressing the inaugural session, Chairperson NTC Maj General (Retd) Akbar Saeed Awan welcomed the participants, elaborated the role of NTC and desired that the learned participants through their collective intellect revise/develop a newer 4 year degree curriculum for Technologies (Civil, Electrical, Mechanical & Electronics Engineering), comparable with international standards like Sydney Accord and 4th year i.e. 7th and 8th semesters be planned as continuous “Supervised Industrial Training” of 32 weeks. This industrial training would improve competence and make efficient transition of graduate technologists from school-to- work and may contribute their best for the sustainable National Development. The chairperson also highlighted Washington and Sydney accords concerning Engineering and Technology Education. In this context, Dr. Mohsin Islam Tiwana of NUST College of Electrical & Mechanical Engineering, gave a detailed presentation on Sydney Accord, its implementation and necessity to join Sydney Accord.

During three days marathon meeting sessions, curriculum for B.Tech in respect of 4 technologies was finalized comparable with models followed by advanced countries like Malaysia and Singapore, USA and Europe.