3 days’ Capacity building Workshop to Train Program Evaluators was held from 23rd to 25th May 2017, which was attended by 82 senior most academicians belonging to all the Provinces. The program evaluators went through extensive training regarding, Technology Program Evaluation Tools, Role of Evaluators, uniform use of Rubrics for assessment, evaluation reports, Aplomb and Decorum, Self-Assessment Report (SAR) assessment, Programs Education Objectives (PEOs), Program learning Outcomes (PLOs) and Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) in consonant with Sydney Accord.
2 day's Capacity building Workshop for technology Program Evaluators was held from 20th through 21st May 2019, which was attended by 43 senior academicians. The program evaluators went through extensive training regarding, OBE & OBA System Self-Assessment Report, Role of Program Evaluators and Common Challenges in adopting OBE & OBA System.